We understand that commercial and public sector businesses and organisations have differing needs with regard to their preparedness, but with our consultants having real life and in-depth experience of working across this spectrum, we are able to support you.


Whether your needs are in relation to response plans for a private site, or a large public area (inside or out), we can assist you having worked with:

• Shopping centres
• Cinemas
• Theatres
• Leisure Parks
• Mega sporting events
• Secure Government premises
• Education facilities
• Financial institutions
• Media providers
• Health Sector
• Travel hubs
• Sports stadia

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill was included within the King’s Speech in July 2024, stating “Measures will be introduced to improve the safety and security of public venues and help keep the British public safe from terrorism”.

Often referred to as ‘Martyn’s Law’, it is part of the Government’s commitment to improving protective security and preparedness at public places or space to which the public have access.


Once the Bill is passed, which is likely to be by the end of 2024, it will mandate a corporate responsibility and legislative necessity for organisations to implement enhanced planning, training and security measures.

Whether a public space or not, by conducting a thorough assessment of your plans and making sure that current threats and risks are considered, 3PX can support you in making sure you are as prepared as possible to deal with a major incident. 


3PX is ready to provide you with a specialist bespoke service, delivered by credible and respected professionals.