Working with you to meet the challenges of the toughest events

Risks differ across all organisations – fire, natural disaster, sabotage, terrorism and more. The challenges faced also vary in type and complexity, as do the requirements in relation to security plans and preparedness.
In preparation for an unexpected and serious incident, the only way an organisation can be sure that its planned responses are correct, is by the testing and exercising of emergency plans and contingencies.
By reviewing your key policies and doctrines, as well as using our knowledge to collaboratively work with you to effectively test your plans, we help ensure that they are up to date, relevant, workable and understood by all involved.
With our practical advice and assistance, along with our ‘critical friend’ approach, we will work with you to identify how your state of readiness can be maximised.

With our unique experience across all emergency services and having worked within the private and public sectors, including the UK and foreign Governments, we have unrivalled ability in the reviewing of existing plans, delivery of realistic testing and exercising, as well as overall security and preparedness planning.

At 3PX we appreciate that in today’s fast-moving society plans, although adequate and understood at the time, can rapidly become out of date. This issue was highlighted by the Inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing, which has now led to the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill (‘Martyn’s Law’) being introduced in the House of Commons on 12th September 2024.

Putting integrity at the heart of everything we do, 3PX is ready to provide you with a specialist testing and exercising service, bespoke to your organisation and delivered by credible professionals.